Jamestown Tree
Please print and fill out this form
Jamestown Tree Nursery Residential Tree Program
Through its Tree Nursery, Jamestown has a tree-planting program designed to provide homeowners with quality street trees, professionally planted, at an attractive price. Trees will be planted within the Town’s right of way, usually about ten feet off the shoulder of the road, if space permits, in the fall. You must agree to water and care for the tree. The funding for this program comes from grants and varies from year to year. We can not predict what funding, if any, will be available. The total cost to participating homeowners is $100. per tree. Each homeowner may apply for one tree. If interested, please complete and mail this form to the Tree Warden, address below.
A list of currently available trees can be found here. Trees are 1 1/2-inch caliper (approximately 8-feet in height, depending on species). Indicate which species you are interested in from this list. The Tree Warden will evaluate the site assist you in selecting a tree that will aesthetically enhance both your home and the street. No trees shall be planted directly underneath overhead utility line. The final species selection shall be mutually agreed upon by the requester and the Jamestown Tree Warden. If a species can not be agreed on or if there is inadequate space to plant a tree, your payment will be refunded in full. Species I am interested in:
By signing below you also agree to the following conditions:
a. You will maintain the base of the tree free of weeds and brush and observe proper mulching.
b. You will Inform the Town Tree Warden of any problems with the tree.
c. You will not cut or prune the tree without consulting the Tree Warden and obtaining a permit.
Your signature:
Mail to:
Tree Warden Town of Jamestown, 93 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown, RI 02835
Make your check for $100 payable to the Town of Jamestown and enclose with this form. JTPPC USE: The above request is: ❏ Approved ❏ Disapproved ❏ Modified as follows: