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Tree Inventory

If you notice people wandering around the streets, measuring trees and inputting something into an iPad, they are members and volunteers with the Jamestown Tree Committee taking inventory of the trees that are on municipal land and within 10 feet of public streets. The purpose of the inventory is to provide the Town with a good idea of what trees are within the Town jurisdiction and their condition. The resulting database will allow the Town to discern where more trees can be planted on public property and areas of concern. It also will provide a sense of the diversity within our canopy and what species should be purchased for availability in the Tree Nursery.  This is an ongoing project. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help, please send us an email.

Inventory Report

RIDEM Division of Forrest Management awarded a $3000 grant to the Town of Jamestown to conduct an inventory of trees owned by the town. This grant allowed for the purchase of computer hardware, software, and other equipment to conduct the survey. Volunteers from the community and from the Jamestown Tree Preservation and Protection Committee participated in the inventory.  Most of the town-owned trees have been tallied with the remaining trees to be visited in the coming year.

By providing this list of trees, it is hoped that the Town of Jamestown, in conjunction with the committee, will provide care for them along with the planting of additional young trees on roadsides and on public properties. The goal is to provide canopy, shade, mitigation of climate change and wildlife habitat for our town and its citizens.Feel free to download the report here. Email the committee if you have any questions. 

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